Prezence Solution

The simplest attendance
management solution
your business

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PREZENCE the Innovative Attendance Solution

members install the MyPrezence App to mark attendance.
Prezence has multiple sources for marking attendance - QR Code, Beacon, Face Recognition
Admins can sign up, add members, add locations, view the present /absent reports, duration of work
proof of work reports etc. by installing the Prezence - easy attendance App or from the portal

Create an account on Prezence

Enroll members, enable attendance tracking using
Prezence QR Code, Beacon or Face Recognition

Installation Guidelines

Proof of Work

Prezence's Proof of Work feature revolutionizes the way we validate tasks and activities
by allowing users to attach images and provide inputs alongside their attendance records, it adds
invaluable context and depth to the work being performed

The inclusion of a customizable form further enhances this functionality.
Overall, Prezence's Proof of Work feature is a game-changer, elevating the efficiency and
transparency of workforce management processes.....more

Download Prezence apps


qr code attendance
Procure Prezence QR Code

Create Locations, Geo-fence if required and claim the QR codes

What's Prezence QR Code


face scan attendance
Activate Face Recognition

Upload members face image and map them to geo-fenced locations

Face Recognition....more


Prezence beacon attendance

Procure Beacon

Get 1 or more Beacon and claim it for your business

What's Beacon
simple attendance solution

    Mobile app-based presence
    management solution

    No on-premise server infrastructure needed, all presence data securely stored on the cloud (AWS, in local data centers)

    QR Code based scans for organizations having multiple physical locations and doesn’t want to invest in any hardware

    Prezence Face recognition system works on AI technology and do not require physical touch or a shared device to mark presence

    Beacon can be set to very high accuracy and used on the move and is a good alternative where the GPS signals are weak

  • Prezence Web Portal

    - For Business Owners / Administrators

    - Sign Up
    - Create Locations
    - Enroll Employees
    - Enable Sources of Swipes
    - View and monitor all Employee’s presence data, Proof of Work, Daily Reports, Monthly Reports

  • Prezence (Android,  iOS)

    - For Business Owners / Administrators

    - Sign Up
    - Create Locations
    - Enroll Employees
    - Enable Sources of Swipes
    - View and monitor all Employee’s presence data, for a detailed report login to the portal

  • MyPrezence (Android,  iOS)

    - For Employees

    - Login with Name and Mobile Number
    - Mark presence using Face Scan OR
    - Mark presence using Beacon Swipes OR
    - Mark presence using QR Scan
    - View your presence/absence calendar
    - Provide Proof of Work if its enabled
    - Mark leave
    - Request for Early Salary Access if this facility is enabled for your organization

  • Prezence Desktop App

    - For Employees

    - Install App on Desktop
    - Sign In Providing Name and Mobile number
    - Verify with OTP
    - Choose your Location
    - Swipe IN when you begin work and Swipe OUT when you end work

  • Prezence Admin App for Business Owners

    Android App   IOS App   

    MyPrezence App for Members

    MyPrezence Android App   MyPrezence iOS App   

    Desktop App for Members

    Desktop App  

    Common Questions

    Easy attendance app Attendance Solution

    Signup on Prezence, buy Prezence enabled Beacon from Amazon (Buy Now)
    Fill and submit the contact us form below and we will get in touch with you.

    Prezence is a Mobile App based attendance management solution
    (Android App, iOS App, Desktop App)

    Business owners / administrators download the
    'Prezence - easy attendance' mobile app. OR access the portal and signup to create an account

    Employees / staff / contractors download the
    'MyPrezence' mobile app.

    Sign Up to Create a New Account on , receive a Email which encloses the Prezence QR Code.

    Require a printed QR Code (Buy Now)
    Fill and submit the contact us form below and we will get in touch with you.

    A New location can be created from the Prezence App or Portal.
    A QR Code is generated for each location.

    Create locations, tag Prezence QR Code / Beacon as required for the location.

    Yes, against each user there is an option to enable/disable swipe sources

    Yes, a user can mark attendance from multiple sources of swipe

    On Prezence portal/Prezence app under Settings choose Scan Settings and enable Face Scan for your Organization

    On Prezence portal/Prezence app under Settings choose Scan Settings and enable Face Scan for your Organization

    Network policies and firewalls implemented by organizations may block access to specific websites, including Prezence. Your IT team can investigate and address this issue effectively

    Prezence App FAQ    MyPrezence App FAQ    Desktop App FAQ